Tuesday, May 12, 2009

You love the thought of me

Excerpts from The 30 Day Man
by MCV

Charlie: I love you .
Mary: Your not in love with me , your in love with the thought of me. Your in love with walking in the rain, romantic sunsets, funny smiles and movies that make you cry. Your in love with cuddling near a fire place and a warm cup of chocolate. Right. Everything according Charlie.

No Charlie your not in love with me because I was never those things. I could never be those things.Nor am I able to stay on your schedule or meet the accuracy and details of each of your planned "magic moments." I am sorry.

Charlie, you need to learn . (beat) You need to learn that love is a person not a place or perfect moment. Love is spontaneous and messy. Love is finding moments in this crazy world that always seems to be sucking you up . Fighting! to find those few minutes anywhere. anytime. with that one person that knows who- you -are. (pause ) Who just takes you the way you are . Who shelters you from who you are. Who never questions who you are. Who make you grow who you are. And Charlie ( beat ) you can't schedule that in you day planner.

People are not perfect Love is not perfect Charlie. Im not perfect . And here some big news Charlie your not perfect.

You have to learn that you have to love a person the way they are. With all their wonderful imperfections and faults. You learn to love the way they drive you crazy and take up all the bed and forget to call. You just love them! Because you know that at some moment in their crazy day they remember that they love you no matter what , that without saying a word without picking up the phone with out planning the perfect moment they love you all the same .

You were always too busy Charlie. To busy to see that it was always here. Instead you scheduled love, perfect moments, romantic getaways. Ha, I think you even scheduled making love.

Directions Charlie looks into his planner.

Mary: No Charlie don't look in your book. I know that this, this was not planned .

I am leaving you Charlie.

And now...... you will have all the time you need to schedule your perfect world.

Directions Mary walks out , Charlie looks in his planner.