Monday, May 11, 2009

Love is a four letter word

Her eyes hold steady on the horizon. I don't think she blinks. I know she doesn't smile. People pass by . Some stop . Some buy. Some look and some just sigh. A sign tells of a tragic tale of love searching, love found , love lost. Love is a four letter word.

She sells love and she makes you pay . The first time less the second time dear. It will cost you if you come here. Love is a four letter word.

You can't take it with you and you can't leave it here. You can enjoy it but you can - not- keep it. And it will cost you, it will cost your soul. You see, love is a four letter word.

She looks at the horizon she doesn't blink and I know she doesn't smile. Only talks to say something, give directions or to say nothing. By the way she never says hello. Love is a four letter word.

And it doesn't matter where it is or who its with or why it is. You see? First its really something then midway its something else and at the end its just something ...completely else . You see? Love is a four letter word.