Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Autumn Leaves

Today I looked for you,
your words,your sound,
your eyes,your scent ,your you,
but you were not there. 

Sounds   appeared , music played
 - no matter - it was all solemn,
 all sad that rung in my deaf ear.

The sun shown bright , I'm sure,
but all I saw were shadows and shades of grey,
mysteries that ran,tears that had no way.

The days have been many, heavy and slow
disguised  as dreams and worries  of
days  that  never came
yesterdays  that never were.

I find I have forgotten how to catch the moon
and dream with stars.
Is this the beginning of the end
am I lost or just not found

No one there to ask
no one there to answer
no one there to know.

Rumors have reached my door
that you are somewhere far.
I miss my friend.

Who would have thought,
that in this life of so many
we  end  and start each day alone.
It matters not who lays with you
who wakes with you
who walks by your side.
When your eyes close
when your path strays
when you need the most
when you count your days
you are only and alone.

There are perinials that sprinkle your  days
and then there are those special few
those that  have  grown roots strong  in your way.
Hold strong . I  hope they will.

This is my trust,
that those days with those dreams 
with those friends will return  soon in some way.

A step ahead ,maybe.
Maybe when I have quit  needing them
or looking for them or screaming them away.
Or  maybe,  just maybe  when I find
that that graces the day.

But today the woods are dark and long they hover over me
not  respecting that  I am here
not knowing  who I am
not questioning  where I been
certainly not caring  where I go or where I'll end.

Today I walk alone
full of thoughts of things that don't exist
of days that did not pass, of songs I did not sing
and  Autumn leaves.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Days Like this

Its on days like this that I miss you most of all
when the world slows down and   shadows get old
when my heart feels heavy and my face grows long
when I think in whispers and live in songs
when I dream of better days and long lost roads
when I wonder when and and wish on why
Its on days like this that I wonder
do you have days  when  you miss me  most of all
when time  slows  so much that you feel yourself feel all alone and
wonder where the time has gone
when  yesterdays are so far away that you can't remember
our dreams of love and long lost days.
Its on days like this that all seems wrong
when my heart grows heavy and I walk alone
when the sun doesn't shine or warm my walk.
its on days like this.......

No matter where I am or who I m with or what I say
its days like this that I miss you .... most of all.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


This morning the sun rose
The   china blossom changed color
An early spring flower 
bud from the ground
The dawn is longer 
My shadow is shorter
I wait for the day  when you will come
I hear a noise in the distance a road that calls
Tears still fill my eyes but I must admit not as many as before
My soul weighs heavy  still I  am hopeful
for the day 

Saturday, January 7, 2012

How can so many be alone

In the streets
I have no name
in the streets
I have no face
in the streets
I walk alone 
in the streets
I hear  a world song
in the streets
I laugh along
in the streets
I  lose my thoughts
in the streets
there are no strangers 
in the streets
I see eyes yet they don't see me
in the streets
