Monday, February 19, 2018

How Many

How many
How many steps did you take today
How many breaths did you breathe
How many faces did you see
Can you remember their smile
Do you remember where you were
Did you live in each moment
How many thoughts did you have in the course of the day
Did it expand your mind
Did you breathe did you smile
How many hours minutes or seconds was your day
How many times did you stop to see what surrounds you

How is it going today

How is it going today

I would like the day to stop.
I would like to see 1% of the 5% of things, the things Professor Stoler says I see. I won't attempt to see the other 95%. I  want to notice my breath fill my lungs. I would like to feel by feet step each step. I would like to see all of my classmates' faces and remember the color of their eyes. I would like to smile slowly, deliberately at people who pass by. I would like to enter each classroom with my brain open all the way and I would like to leave each room with my brain box filled with new ideas. I would like a couple of "aha" moments.I would like to see my children smile and hear their joy as they tell me the adventures of their day.


Monday, February 12, 2018


sometimes days don't belong to us

sometimes days belong to the wind
sometimes days are toys we master and enjoy
sometimes days slip away while we lay in our bed
sometimes days are beginnings and
sometimes days are  ends
sometimes days are winters and
sometimes days are spring.

Rest in peace   Tata  Enrique    

Enrique Chiriboga Villaquiran 11.17.10